At the Oklahoma State Department Education
A Prayer – Return to God and He will Return to You (Malachi 3:7).
God, our Father, this beautiful land we call America is a delightful gift from you. Noah Webster
wrote that every precept of our U.S. Constitution flows from the Bible, particularly the New
Testament. [1] Justice Joseph Story wrote that our entire system of jurisprudence is from the
Bible, Your Holy Word [2]; Our Pledge of Allegiance says we are one nation under God. Our
currency says, “In God We Trust,” our great hymns declare that You Father established this
land; America, America, God shed His grace on Thee; during the 7 th Inning Stretch at our
professional baseball games we sing “God bless America, my home sweet home;” Early in
1952, Father, You challenged this United States of America through Billy Graham and President
Harry Truman to have a national day of prayer and so on this National Day of Prayer 2024
great and mighty God we come before you again. We thank You Father for blessing us like no
other nation in history.
But, today, Father, we come to plead with You for supernatural help. Our first Chief Justice of
the US Supreme Court, John Jay, warned, “The smile of heaven can never be expected on a
nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.”
Lord, our great universities like Harvard used to teach the Bible as a core curriculum and train
pastors to Serve You. But today we have thrown the Bible and prayer out of our schools and
virtually dismantled our foundations under the false precept of political correctness, moral
relativism, and other errant ideologies so that now we have an insurmountable debt, our
foundations are cracking everywhere, our borders are down, our economy is jittery, we are
experiencing cataclysmic storms of Old Testament proportions; we have polluted the land with
innocent blood, and we Americans are divided like never before.
Therefore, today, I ask great and mighty Father, send a great awakening to America one more
time. Open doors and empower us to restore our foundations, put You and Your Word back in
our schools, to retrain our schools to teach our true history and those Constitutional principles
that keep us free, prosperous and unified; empower us to obey Your Word with every piece of
legislation, and to put You back in our halls of legislation all across this land. Empower us again
to obey Your great principles of: love your neighbor as yourself, treat others in the same way
you want to be treated, give and it shall be given to you. Restore us again Father so that
honesty is the best policy. Teach us again Father to manage our money individually, and the
people’s money, Your way and help us to become a debt free society, from our house to the
White House. Your Word says if we return to You, Father, You will return to us. God come on the
scene, deliver us from the schemes of Satan, and rescue us one more time, I pray, in that name
that is above every name, Jesus Christ. Amen.
1. Noah Webster, LL.D., History of the United States (New Haven: S. Babcock, 1837), p. 1 to which is
prefixed “A Brief Historical Account of Our English Ancestors.
2. Joseph Story, Life and Letters of Joseph Story, William W. Story, editor (Boston: Charles C. Little and
James Brown, 1851), Vol. II, pp. 8, 92.