Want To End Racism?

The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, CO

The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, CO

My wife, Sharon, and I attended the Council for National Policy Meeting this past September 24-26, 2021, at the Broadmoor Resort in beautiful Colorado Springs, CO. On Sunday we took the shuttle to the airport with about fifteen others and as we departed the property, our driver began sharing a bit of the history of the Broadmoor. In his joyful style the driver expounded on the vision of the original owner, Spencer Penrose, and the relaxed management style of the current owner, Philip Anschutz.

Interestingly, during his talk about the Broadmoor and the surrounding mountainous area, the driver would intermittently speak of the startling beauty of Colorado Springs and give Jesus Christ praise and glory for His creative power and goodness. Then, he would revert to the knowledgeable history lesson he was giving us.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning, and I soon realized this man was “preaching” to his passengers intermittently, as he expounded on the Bible and God’s great Son, the Savior, Jesus Christ, even quoting Scripture. Sitting on the back bench-seat of the shuttle with my Bride, I found myself saying “Amen” to the powerful points made by this enthusiastic, professional, driver. 

My voice is strong and after a few “Amens” the driver looked in the rear-view mirror and commented, “Sounds like we have a preacher on board. Are you a pastor, sir,” he asked? I replied, “I am, Brother.” This man soon captivated the attention and hearts of everyone on board; although I could tell a number of them did not realize they would be in a “church service” on their shuttle ride to the airport. Still, everyone was captivated by the contagious love this man had for His Lord and his country.

We arrived at the airport, and I helped our tour guide-driver unload the luggage of his passengers. Turning to leave, this man and I realized we had a dual brotherhood: we were both Americans and we loved the same Lord, Jesus Christ. We gave each other a ‘bear hug’ like “Brothers” often do, then Sharon and I entered the airport.

What made this encounter really special was the fact that although he has black skin and I have white skin, neither skin color nor race entered the picture. 

You will not end racism with protests, riots, looting, or with new movements that say, "All Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter, Brown Lives Matter, Yellow Lives Matter, Red Lives Matter, or White Lives Matter.

You will not end racism with new laws, and certainly you will only destroy the country by defunding the police. 

You will not end racism and bring peace by having football players kneel during the National Anthem prior to an NFL Game.

You can only end racism with seven simple words spoken by Jesus Christ, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39).

After an old fashioned, rugged bear hug which is common among American men, the driver and I captured our new friendship with a photograph. 

Come on, America. We are better than this.


Bill Ledbetter